Title: Three Duets
Year Completed: 2006
Duration: 12 mins
Instrumentation: Flute and Marimba
Premiere: 11 Feb 2007 Wolfville, NS, Denton Auditorium: Derek Charke, flute; Mark Adam, marimba

Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre

The “Three Duets” are impromptus for flute and marimba based on improvisations by Derek Charke from early 2006. Any three can be performed in any order however the order presented here is the preferred one. If violin is substituted for flute ignore the diamond note heads. No. 1 begins with the flute accompanying the marimba. At the double bar rolls are reversed and the flute takes over the melody. Except for passages marked Molto Espressivo this movement is to be played in a dry manner. Pay attention to dynamics. No. 2 shouldn’t be performed too fast. Articulate all notes. This movement should sound like it’s ‘swirling’ around and around! No. 3 epilogue, is to be played extremely slowly and with much rubato.

derek charke three duets