Title: Raga Dohara
Year Completed: 2014
Duration: 10 mins
Instrumentation: flute octet: 8 flutes (4 C, 2 Alto, 2 Bass)
Premiere: 2014 National Flute Convention in Chicago on August 8 by Dianne Aitken, Molly Barth, Christine Beard, Derek Charke, Shivhan Dohse, Sonja Giles, Kim Scott and Paul Taub.

Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre

Similar to my other 'Raga' inspired works, Raga Dohara is not based on an authentic Raga, but rather attempts to create a meditative character. The subtitle for this work is 'Raga Dohara', or Raga Double. There are several instances of 'double' at play: (1) a double flute quartet; (2) even though it's notated in common time, there is a double time feel — both duple and triple rhythms are occurring at the same time throughout the piece; and (3) the second flutes play two notes (by singing and playing at the same time) throughout.


(1) A normal notehead indicates ordinary tone. However, often a combination of ordinary tone and chuffing attacks using "ch" sounds (on the bass flute in particular) should be explored.

(2) A triangle notehead indicates a “toneless” attack. Blow across the tone-hole (not into the tone-hole as you normally would) whilst using a harsh "ch", "k", or "t" articulation. For single tonguing use "ch". For double tonguing use "ch k". And for triple tonguing use "ch k t". Feel free to overblow at times capturing some of the harmonics and producing a grittier sound. Experiment with using combinations of "ch k t" for single tongued passages as well.

(3) A diamond notehead indicates aeolian sounds. Produce an airy sound using "sh".

(4) A square notehead indicates a note to be sung.
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derek charke dohara