Title: Shadow Leaves Shimmer
Year Completed: 2018
Duration: Unspecified duration — suggested minimum duration of 10 minutes, with an unlimited maximum duration.
Instrumentation: Open
Credits: Commissioned by Upstream Music Association with funding from Arts Nova Scotia
Premiere: Sun. Nov. 25, 2018
Or click this link to purchase the music: https://derekcharke.sellfy.store/p/shadow-leaves-shimmer/
Shadow Leaves Shimmer takes its title from the blurring effect of leaves projected on the ground. The work is essentially variations on a fundamental chord of G, with the 7ths and 11ths tuned to resemble the harmonic series. The ensemble performs deep meditative breaths on this chord. Occasionally the harmony is modified with other fundamental chords. The performance of additional melodic lines overtop, or behind this material is possible, creating a blurring and/or undulating effect. This work is intended for a medium to large ensemble. Parts are provided for C treble (high and low) C bass, B-flat (high and low), E-flat, and F instruments or voice.
Year Completed: 2018
Duration: Unspecified duration — suggested minimum duration of 10 minutes, with an unlimited maximum duration.
Instrumentation: Open
Credits: Commissioned by Upstream Music Association with funding from Arts Nova Scotia
Premiere: Sun. Nov. 25, 2018
Or click this link to purchase the music: https://derekcharke.sellfy.store/p/shadow-leaves-shimmer/
Shadow Leaves Shimmer takes its title from the blurring effect of leaves projected on the ground. The work is essentially variations on a fundamental chord of G, with the 7ths and 11ths tuned to resemble the harmonic series. The ensemble performs deep meditative breaths on this chord. Occasionally the harmony is modified with other fundamental chords. The performance of additional melodic lines overtop, or behind this material is possible, creating a blurring and/or undulating effect. This work is intended for a medium to large ensemble. Parts are provided for C treble (high and low) C bass, B-flat (high and low), E-flat, and F instruments or voice.