Title: Sonata for Flute and Piano
Year Completed: 1994 (new edition 2019)
Duration: 12 mins
Instrumentation: Flute and Piano
Premiere: April 2, 1996 University of North Texas: Hollie Grosklos, flute & Gabriel Sánchez, piano.
Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre
A flute sonata written while studying at the University of North Texas. In three movements. The score has been updated as of 2019.
I. Lively
II. Slowly
III. Crisp
Year Completed: 1994 (new edition 2019)
Duration: 12 mins
Instrumentation: Flute and Piano
Premiere: April 2, 1996 University of North Texas: Hollie Grosklos, flute & Gabriel Sánchez, piano.
Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre
A flute sonata written while studying at the University of North Texas. In three movements. The score has been updated as of 2019.
I. Lively
II. Slowly
III. Crisp