Title: Trio
Year Completed: 2008
Duration: 7 mins
Instrumentation: Percussion Trio
Credits: For Mark Adam and the Acadia Percussion Ensemble
Premiere: 13/04/2009 Denton Hall Wolfville, Nova Scotia Jonathan Bailey, Denis Martin & Casey Vaasjo Under the direction of Mark Adam
Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre
Trio is based on an abstraction of integer based rotational arrays. Numeric values representing rhythmic cycles are used to generate almost all material, except for the last minute or so where the temporality becomes less diffused and more regular in its pulse. These particular rotational arrays are also similar to the idea of beat-class-sets in that the rhythms correspond to a definitive pulse of eighth notes, accented at various points depending on the rotation. The work is in three large sections, each separated by refrains. Inserted between phrase units are tuplet and quintuplet figures which play out later in the work to create several metric modulations.
Percussion 1
A hard sheet of metal hit with beaters. A sheet of sandpaper can be used for the rubbed sound near the middle of the work. Alternatively several big knives wrapped in a thin cloth, placed on a hard surface and struck with a beater of some kind can be employed. Experiment with different sounds for the accented notes.
Percussion 2
4 tin cans or other metallic and/or resonant objects of distinct sizes from small to large. There should be 4 distinct pitches. Hit with a beater of some kind.
Percussion 3
22” or similar sized bass drum head, resonating another body. This other body could be a bass drum, or a piano. harp or tam tam for example. Strike with a gong or bass drum mallet. Note that the bass drum head should not come into contact with the other body. Experiment with the resonance of this other object.
Year Completed: 2008
Duration: 7 mins
Instrumentation: Percussion Trio
Credits: For Mark Adam and the Acadia Percussion Ensemble
Premiere: 13/04/2009 Denton Hall Wolfville, Nova Scotia Jonathan Bailey, Denis Martin & Casey Vaasjo Under the direction of Mark Adam
Purchase/Rent: Canadian Music Centre
Trio is based on an abstraction of integer based rotational arrays. Numeric values representing rhythmic cycles are used to generate almost all material, except for the last minute or so where the temporality becomes less diffused and more regular in its pulse. These particular rotational arrays are also similar to the idea of beat-class-sets in that the rhythms correspond to a definitive pulse of eighth notes, accented at various points depending on the rotation. The work is in three large sections, each separated by refrains. Inserted between phrase units are tuplet and quintuplet figures which play out later in the work to create several metric modulations.
Percussion 1
A hard sheet of metal hit with beaters. A sheet of sandpaper can be used for the rubbed sound near the middle of the work. Alternatively several big knives wrapped in a thin cloth, placed on a hard surface and struck with a beater of some kind can be employed. Experiment with different sounds for the accented notes.
Percussion 2
4 tin cans or other metallic and/or resonant objects of distinct sizes from small to large. There should be 4 distinct pitches. Hit with a beater of some kind.
Percussion 3
22” or similar sized bass drum head, resonating another body. This other body could be a bass drum, or a piano. harp or tam tam for example. Strike with a gong or bass drum mallet. Note that the bass drum head should not come into contact with the other body. Experiment with the resonance of this other object.